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Student Credit Card – The Boons And Banes

Throughout all the years in school my teachers told me to spend more time studying instead of in sports and goofing-off and I would learn more and make much better grades. In my case that study strategy for better grades was not always true. I discovered it’s not how much time you study but HOW you study that can make the difference between a C and an A. To receive better grades and become successful academically it is best to choose a study strategy that accelerates learning with the least amount of effort.

First is the awareness that I have allowed life to get too busy. And usually the busyness is just a lot of little, miscellaneous, almost meaningless activities that I’ve allowed to fill up the hours of my day. Activities and things I call “shinny objects”.

Be flexible in your thinking and happy to accept that some of the links are likely to be a stretch. This is a good thing because it will help you realise that sometimes, even if the benefits of a particular process or event are not obvious, with imagination and determination you can find a reason to delay immediate gratification. This is possible when you are willing to trust that the work you do now will yield rewards in the future. So even if learning ‘how a sense of belonging is conveyed in your prescribed text’ may not seem useful now, your study can create a knowledge and skill base which is likely to be useful when you need to develop a cohesive team environment later.

My point is you know the delectable satisfaction of DEATH. You know the instant gratification this tool has in it. Access is always easy and the effects are always pleasurable. DEATH is so easy and so pleasurable that one can completely ignore its long-term effects as they consume it.

It is more expensive to consolidate student loans. This is because the credit rating of the has fallen by missed or late payments. It is a good option, however. It helps the students by removing the crushing weight of bad loans and allows the students to focus on their education.

Your life Purpose on the other hand is more precise and focused. life Purpose is different from Soul Purpose because it carries a greater differentiation and greater meaning in life. While we all have the same Soul purpose – expansion, how you expand, or the best way for you to expand as an individual, is what your Soul has chosen as your Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose is about your life here on earth, not out there in the spiritual realms. Does that make sense?

Let me give you some background about the game just for those unfortunate souls who did not have the pleasure of playing this classic game during their childhood years, and then I will share how I look at this game from life’s perspective and what do I learn from it.

We are all responsible for the life we are creating for ourselves, but we can only exercise that responsibility when we are able to stay awake and make more conscious choices in every moment.

Ask students to give you their first name when they ask or answer a question. This not only helps you learn names but also helps students learn the names of others in the class. It’s a sad fact that in secondary classes students often never learn the names of everyone else in the class.

In the same way that where you focus is where you drive, in life you attract what you focus on the most. This is because what you focus on becomes your reality. It is wise to pay attention to what we can focus upon.

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