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One Financial Markets Review

Therefore, it is currently not altogether clear whether a temporary restraining order (“TRO”) or other stay issued in a Section 304 proceeding can prevent the exercise of these same creditor rights. Assuming a U.S. bankruptcy court granted a Foreign Representative the requested suspension order pursuant to Section 304, one of the immediate consequences would have been that U.S. creditors might have been barred from liquidating their U.S. collateral. The portfolio approach addresses the overstatement of credit risk generated by the transaction approach by using simulation modeling to calculate exposures across products and transactions through time for the counterparty. The model incorporates both correlations among transaction factors and contractual close-out netting. Examiners affirm that banks have in place clearly articulated policies for the establishment of collateral arrangements with counterparties. Policies should lay out clear guidelines for the type of collateral arrangements required, based on criteria such as the rating assigned to the counterparty, the quality of information available, and the nature, volatility and liquidity of the transactions.

Moreover, a written record of each credit policy violation may be produced and sent to the appropriate supervisor. To maximize flexibility, hedge funds operating in the United States are structured so as to be exempt from regulation under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Investment Company Act”). Most hedge funds rely on the “private” investment company exclusions in Sections 3 and 3 of the Investment Company Act.1 These exclusions exempt certain pooled investment vehicles the physician philosopher’s guide to personal finance from the definition of “investment company” and from substantive regulation under the Investment Company Act. A typical hedge fund will charge a fee amounting to 20 percent of the gains above a specified benchmark or watermark over a one-year period. In most cases, the benchmark is the fund’s net asset value at the beginning of the measurement period.2 Performance fees encourage investment strategies that emphasize the probability of exceeding the return threshold.

Even using the January 1, 1998, equity capital figure of $4.8 billion, this level of assets still implies a balance-sheet leverage ratio of more than 25-to-1. Although exact comparisons are difficult, it is likely that the LTCM Fund’s exposure to certain market risks was several times greater than that of the trading portfolios typically held by major dealer firms. The daily monitoring of exposures and the active management of exposure and collateral levels can help control the credit risk in a trading relationship. For example, some warning of problems may be inferred if a customer’s ability to post collateral becomes irregular.

When hedge funds will not provide such information, banks should compensate with more conservative credit structures and/or refuse to provide credit. In addition, the approach to aggregating PFEs for a given counterparty can influence the conservatism of the exposure measures. Banks can aggregate PFEs for a given counterparty using a transaction approach or a portfolio approach. Under the transaction approach, banks calculate exposure to the counterparty as the simple sum of the potential exposures for each transaction.

Since all the numbers in Table 1 are averages of the statistics for individual funds, the average Sharpe ratio cannot be derived by taking the quotient of the other two columns. 16 Although an individual counterparty’s gross positions with the LTCM Fund might arguably have been smaller if they had been unable to rely on netting, this may not mean that the Fund’s gross positions would have been significantly smaller. It is possible that the LTCM Fund would have assumed the same gross positions by dealing with more counterparties. 15 This alternative offer is described more fully by William J. McDonough, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in his statement and subsequent testimony before the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services, during its October 1, 1998, hearing on hedge fund operations. 14 Dynamic hedging refers to the practice of managing nonlinear price risk exposure (i.e., from options) through active rebalancing of underlying positions, rather than by arranging offsetting hedges directly.

According to September 1998 CPO filings, at least ten hedge funds with capital exceeding $100 million leveraged their capital more than ten times. At the extreme, the most leveraged hedge funds in this group levered their capital more than thirty times. The New York State Banking Department (“NYSBD”) released a report on banks’ hedge fund activities on March 8, 1999, which shares concerns about these activities and emphasizes the need for changes in the regulatory activtrades review examination process to address these concerns. The report identifies banks’ due diligence processes and risk management practices as two primary areas in need of improvement. The Federal Reserve guidance also notes the importance of potential future exposure in managing trading positions. Institutions must ensure that potential future exposures for both secured and unsecured positions are better incorporated into their credit analyses and limits.

one financial markets review

These units ensure the reliability and effectiveness of the bank’s risk management process, management information systems (“MIS”), and internal and accounting controls. Control functions can also provide senior management and the board with a periodic assessment of how well the bank’s employees understand the credit culture and whether their actions conform to the bank’s standards and values. Finally, precluding hedge funds from relying on Sections 3 and 3 would be conceptually at odds with the purpose of the Investment Company Act. The Act generally addresses structural protections, such as prohibitions against overreaching by insiders, and not an investment company’s effects on the markets. Credit risk management policies are implemented on a global basis and executed by the credit department, usually under the guidance of the credit committee. The department has the responsibility for day-to-day credit operations, including due diligence, assignment of credit ratings, credit approvals, credit extensions, and monitoring of credit overages.


Consequently, they immediately began evaluating their internal risk management systems and controls. Corrective actions to strengthen the current operating structure and reduce credit exposures were considered or implemented. Firms are now more strictly adhering to stated policies, enhancing their back-testing and stress testing for high risk hedge fund portfolios, tightening their margin and collateral requirements, and updating their risk models to reflect recent market volatility. Moreover, several firms have created additional monitoring reports to document daily hedge fund exposures and weekly limit violations.

one financial markets review

These issues suggest that enforcing a meaningful regulatory capital requirement or leverage ratio for a wide and diverse range of investment funds would be a difficult undertaking. Like its other counterparties, the LTCM Fund’s OTC derivatives counterparties would have had to re-balance their portfolios in an effort to reduce risk brought on by a default of the Fund. All of these counterparties would have needed to re-establish positions and hedges related to any contracts upon which the LTCM Fund had defaulted.

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Nevertheless, most financial market participants structure their relationships with their counterparties to provide for closeout, netting, and collateral liquidation through contractual provisions, including choice of law provisions. Moreover, in the event of an actual insolvency, because of the economic incentives, many counterparties may simply act and litigate the legitimacy of that action later. Bankruptcy Code would be the applicable law while also briefly addressing the implications if the Fund’s U.S. bankruptcy proceeding was ancillary in nature. In addition, life-of-contract measures of PFE vastly overstate the exposure to collateralized counterparties. The use of lifetime PFEs overstates the potential exposure when banks mark-to-market their positions daily and have the ability to close-out the counterparty’s position, e.g., if the counterparty fails to post sufficient collateral.

one financial markets review

However, an entity’s ability to trade actively can diminish either because creditworthiness concerns cause counterparties to cut trading and credit limits or because of a broader disappearance of market liquidity. The inability to execute active trading strategies can lead to unexpectedly large mark-to-market losses as positions that had been thought of as modifiable exposures become longer-term positions. Active trading, which is typical of hedge funds, is a practice in which investment positions are changed with high frequency. Such trading may be conducted to maintain a desired risk-return profile as market prices fluctuate, or it may be conducted to attempt to profit from short-term changes in prices. While turnover in hedge funds’ portfolios differs widely, the typical hedge fund’s use of active trading strategies is closer to that of financial intermediaries’ proprietary trading desks than to a mutual fund or pension fund.

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Methodsspecifically identified in the report are the use of leverage, out-of-the-money options trading, and off-market swap pricing. In the case of the LTCM Fund, the liquidation of foreign securities underlying certain of the Fund’s repo and securities lending transactions could have been substantially disruptive. In addition, market disruption could have been caused by LTCM’s counterparties’ rush to replace derivatives positions they had terminated with LTCM.


Counterparties and clients are generally assigned to credit analysts according to industry sector or product group. To assure independence of credit evaluations and decisions, the credit department is independent of the firm’s business units that assume the credit risk. At most large broker-dealers, the firm’s board of directors will authorize a credit management committee to determine credit risk management policies in accordance with the board’s authorizing guidelines. Some firms have one or more committees between the firm’s board of directors and the credit department. In these instances, there is typically a hierarchy among the committees, with the most senior committee directly responsible to the board of directors.

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– it is believed that the Fund itself would have sought bankruptcy protection in the Cayman Islands courts, under Cayman law. Had that been the case, any U.S. bankruptcy proceeding would likely have been ancillary to the main Cayman Islands proceeding. Leverage allows an investor to take on higher risks, including those risks that are shed by others.

During this stay, netting can be exercised only if the contract qualifies under one of the five defined types of financial contracts protected under theBankruptcy Code or if the counterparty obtains bankruptcy court approval pursuant to Section 362. The Bankruptcy Code also grants to the trustee expansive powers to avoid pre-bankruptcy transfers – for example, payments or other property – and require the return of the transferred property to the bankruptcy estate. However, the LTCM Fund’s significant positions in certain markets and the condition of those markets created the potential for a much greater impact on the markets in the event of immediate termination and subsequent liquidation of the LTCM Fund’s financial contracts.

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Another convergence trade when corporate debt yields are unusually high relative to the yield on government debt is the bet that the credit spread will fall back to historical levels. In this investment, the investor buys corporate debt and sells government securities. Such trading can reduce the volatility in corporate debt spreads, reducing the riskiness in the timing of corporate debt issuance. Procedures for estimating potential future credit exposures, including stress testing to gauge exposures in volatile and illiquid markets, and model validation procedures, including back-testing. By comparison, at the end of 1998, the five largest commercial bank holding companies had total assets ranging from $261.5 billion to $617.7 billion, and the replacement value of their derivatives ranged from $20.6 billion to $61.6 billion.

Prior to this episode, LTCM maintained that the LTCM Fund’s positions embodied risk similar to that of investing in the S&P 500 index on an unleveraged basis but were essentially uncorrelated with equity returns. LTCM’s creditors and counterparties may have accepted this contention or had risk models which produced similar results. In LTCM’s case, this minimal level of disclosure was tolerated because of the stature of its principals, its impressive track record, and the opportunity for the Fund’s investors and counterparties to profit from a significant relationship with LTCM.

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